viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

Enrique VII

Enrique VII was the King of England and Lord of Ireland.
He was the founder of the Tudor Dynasty.
He was very Catholic.
He was born in the castle of Pembroke, in Wales, son of Edmund Tudor and Margarita Beaufort.

Henry Seven England.jpg

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

The family Tudor tree

Enrique VIII


Enrique VIII (1491-1547) He was the King of England and lord of Ireland, from 1509 until his death.
He was the second Monarch of the house Tudor, heir to his father, Enrique VII. He was married six times and he exercise the most absolute power and all English Monarchs.

Isabel de York

Isabel de York (1466-1503) Was born in Westminster, she was the first of Eduard IV´ s 10 children of England and Isabel Woodville.
She got married with Enrique VII and her son Enrique VIII of England.

Catalina de Aragón

Catalina de Aragón (1485-1536) Was born in Alcalá de Henares in Castille. She was the Queen of England from 1509 to 1533 as the first wife of Enrique VIII and they had a daugther, María Iof England.
She was Isabel and Fernando´ s daugther and she had three years when she was engaged to Prince Arthur.
They were married in 1501, but Arthur died five months later.
Then in 1509 she was married with Enrique VIII, the younger brother of Arthur.
Then, Enrique was separated from Catherine, Catalina and from the Catholic Church. And he was married with Ana Bolena.

Ana Bolena

Ana Bolena (1501-1536) She was Queen of England with Enrique VIII. She died executed after a abatable trial and was the mother of Isabel I.

Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour (1508-1537) She was the third wife of Enrique VIII of England and mother of Eduardo VI. She died 12 days after giving birth to her son.